Hey y’all. So here are the second recipes you have to find. You will find them on one of the pages listed below. Once you have found them, come back here and in the comment section tell me where you found them. That’s all, and don’t forget to check back tomorrow for your next Holiday Scavenger Hunt items.
Y’all will find: “Persimmon bourbon maple syrup French toast” and BUFFALO CHICKEN MEATBALLS at two of the wonderful pages below. GOOD LUCK.
Food Thoughts of a Chef Wannabe
Don’t forget. You have to come back here and tell me what you found and where. (i.e. Chocolate Cake at Gregs Kitchen)
Make sure you took care of yesterdays Holiday Scavenger Hunt item #1 too.
Day 2 Buffalo chicken meatballs: Larks Country Heart and Persimmon Bourbon maple syrup: Basilmomma
Lark’s Country Heart has the BUFFALO CHICKEN MEATBALLS & Basilmomma has the Persimmon bourbon maple syrup French toast!!! Excited for day #3 😀
Hi, Day 2, so exciting…love this. Lark’s Country Heart-Buffalo Chicken Meatballs and Basilmomma-Persimmon Bourbon Maple Syrup French Toast (the bacon looked good too, hee hee). 🙂
Buffalo Chicken Meatballs on Lark’s Country and Persimmon Bourbon Maple Syrup French Toast on basilmomma
Buffalo Chk Meatballs are on Larks Country Hearts page
Bourbon French toast (picture( is on Basil Momma’s page, but I cant find the recipe 🙁
Buffalo Chicken Meatballs is found on Lark’s County Heart.
Perismmon bourbom Maple French Toast is found on
Buffalo Chicken Meatballs is found on Lark’s County Heart.
Perismmon bourbon Maple French Toast is found on
Persimmon bourbon maple syrup French toast was found on Basilmomma and BUFFALO CHICKEN MEATBALLS was found on Larks Country Heart..
Basilmomma= Persimmon Bourbon Maple French Toast
Larks Country Heart=Buffalo Chicken Meatballs