Hey y’all. So here is the first recipes you have to find. You will find them on one of the pages listed below. Once you have found them, come back here and in the comment section tell me where you found them. That’s all, and don’t forget to check back tomorrow for your next Holiday Scavenger Hunt items.
Y’all will find: "Nana’s Chocolate Meringue Pie" and “Coconut DREAM Cake!” at two of the wonderful pages below. GOOD LUCK.
Food Thoughts of a Chef Wannabe
Don’t forget. You have to come back here and tell me what you found and where. (i.e. Chocolate Cake at Gregs Kitchen)
Sweet Tea and Cornbread has the Nana Chocolate Meringue Pie and Foodthoughtsofachefwannabe has the Coconut Dream Cake
FoodThoughtsOfAChefWannaBe-Coconut Dream Cake and Sweet Tea And Cornbread- Chocolate Meringue Pie…yummmy on both. 🙂
Food thoughts of a chef wanna be has the wonderful Coconut Dream Pie and Sweet Tea and Cornbread has the equally awesome Chocolate Meringue Pie!!
Nana’s Chocolate Merinque pie was at Sweet Tea and Cornbread and Coconut Dream cake was found at Foodthoughtsofachefwannabe.
Wow!! That was tough but I finally found them.
Sweet Tea & Cornbread has the yummy Nana’s Chocolate eringue Pie and Food Thoughts of a Chef Wannabe has the Coconut DREAM Cake.
Found the “Nana’s Chocolate Meringue Pie” on the SWEET TEA AND CORNBREAD page…found the “Coconut DREAM Cake!” on the FOOD THOUGHTS OF A CHEF WANNABE page. Looking forward to tomorrow!! 🙂
I found Nana’s Chocolate Meringue Pie on Sweet Tea and Cornbread and I found Coconut DREAM Cake on Sweet Tea and Cornbread.
I found Nana’s Chocolate Meringue Pie on Sweet Tea and Cornbread and I found Coconut DREAM Cake on FoodThoughtsOfaChefWannabe.
Chocolate Meringue Pie on Sweet Tea and Cornbread, and the Coconut Dream Cake on FoodThoughtsOfaChefWannabe.
Nana’s Chocolate Meringue Pie is on Sweet Tea and Cornbread Coconut DREAM Cake is on Food Thoughts of a Chef Wannabe
Nanas Pie is on Sweet tea and cornbreads page and the coconut dream cake was easy, saw it earlier, its on Food Thoughts of a Chef Wannabe’s page
Coconut Dream Cake on Food thoughts of a Chef Wannabe.
Nanna’s Chocolate Meringue Pie on Sweet Tea and Cornbread