Farmers Market

I’m so excited that spring has finally began in Florida.  this is the time of year that my great grandmother Bessie would begin planting peas in her garden.  Just after the last frost.  She was one amazing woman.  Till her death at the age of 92, she was still working as hard as a horse as my mom would put it.  Planting her own garden, canning food for the family and friends and making every meal from scratch.

Farmers markets were one thing she never needed to go to.  She had her own right there behind the house.  I can still remember even going in the fall and finding sheets (actual bed sheets) lined under her beds with beans drying on them to put up for winter.  Or going down in her basement to see walls lined with vegetables, pickles and fruits she had canned for the winter as well.

 Not everyone is as lucky to be able to have a garden right outside their back door.  I am not sure why, because even city dwellers can have a small container garden on their balcony to produce their own fresh vegetables.  I guess thats why farmers markets are so popular.  You can get fresh locally grown produce and a much better cost than those supermarket chains.  You will be so happy with the things you find, sometimes even home made breads and jams.  Y’all, fresh is so much better than all those chemically enhanced products in the stores.  So everyone get out there like I do almost every weekend, and get your hands on some of that fresh, locally grown produce.  You will not be dissapointed.  It’s all so good.  Just look at what I found at a local farmers market this past weekend…..










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