Making Memories

This weekend I made so many memories.  Two of my granddaughters spent the weekend with us.  Chloie, the oldest of the two who is 8 now, wanted to cook all weekend long.  Which of course y’all know I loved.

She started by making dinner for us Saturday night.  It was a simple pasta dish with a meat sauce.  She chose to use my home made sausage as her meat.  I had to laugh when she yelled “papaw, there is blood in this meat”.  I hesitated for a second, but then decided she should know where her food comes from.  She was a little surprised and at first was unsure I was telling her the truth, but then she realized I was being honest.  I didn’t think it affected her much until I noticed that she was pushing the meat aside on her plate and not eating it.  I didn’t question her, but I was hoping that I didn’t just scare her away from meat.   Not that there is anything wrong with being vegetarian, but I didn’t want to wrongly influence her.  But the next morning she had no problem having sausage for breakfast, even when I asked if she knew where it came from.  She said yes and continued eating like nothing had been discussed the night before.




You have to love that smile, and the dinner was wonderful too.  She even said we should have a cooking show called Chloie and papaw.  Wow, I got second billing.  I guess her cute smile would be the draw to the show.  I’ll be sharing more pictures and stories from the weekend with y’all this week.

Please go out and make memories like these with your family.  You won’t regret it.


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