Spring Favorites

Why Support Local Farmers & Farmers Markets?
First you should ask yourself what you would like to see more of strip malls and chain stores or small family farms bringing you fresh healthy produce and proteins. If you are on the side […]

Summer Grilled Corn and Zucchini Salad
I still love nothing better than fresh vegetables from the garden. It is wonderful when you can go out to your garden and just grab the ingredients you need and put them all together for […]

Southern Coconut Cake
This is not the easiest cake in the world, but any true southern cook will have this cake in their recipe box. I make it for holidays such as Christmas(decorated with Holly) and Easter(decorated with […]

My Moms Bread and Butter Pickles
If y’all like sweet pickles, these are for you. Mom has been making and canning these sweet green gems since I can remember. I fell in love with them at an early age, and they […]

"Spring-Clean" Your Refrigerator
Ok, so this is how all our refrigerators should look. Mine doesn’t so I borrowed this picture from the GE website. It looks a lot like my fridge on the outside, now lets see […]