
Apple Butter

I grew up eating apple butter on my biscuits, toast, white bread, and in one of my favorite cakes.  Mom and my grandma’s would make tons of this stuff and can it each fall for […]


Back To School Dinners

True Southern Meatloaf

  Growing up in the midwest, but with southern roots, I got the combination of a lot of different meals.  So moms version of meatloaf not only combined traditional ingredients, but also some southern traditions […]



Pickled Okra

Hey Y’all.  I thought I’d share with you another  bit of southern deliciousness today – Pickled Okra! I was asked by one of my best friends , if I could pickle Okra for her.  So […]



Hummingbird Cake

There are three cakes that every southern kitchen has a recipe for in the recipe box.  A coconut cake, a red velvet cake, and of course a hummingbird cake.  These are none cakes you would […]
