So as y’all know I finally broke down and got an Instant Pot®.  After so many people asking me for recipes for it, I decided to get one. Well wouldn’t you know that within a week I looked at the Instant Pot site and found they now have a heated high power blender that they say rivals the Vitamix®.  Now I don’t know if this or true or not mainly because I’ve never purchased a Vitamix®.  Mainly for the price.  So when this one shows up for only $99 I decided to go for it…. as y’all know, I’m a kitchen appliance junkie.  I was hoping my friend Paula would come out with one, but until then, I will utilize my new toy.

So as I add recipes you can find them here.  Also you can pick the “categories button”  on the right side bar and pick Instant Pot ACE.

Let me know what you think of these recipes and what you might have come up with on your own.