Homemade Starbucks ® Bottled Frappuccino ®


Anybody that knows me will tell you that I have just a bit of an addiction to Starbucks ®.  Just check my Facebook check-ins.   For the longest time I thought I was becoming addicted somehow to their coffee.  Did they have me hooked? Were they controlling my need for their highly caffeinated drinks?  Well I realized it wasn’t their coffee I was hooked on.  It was the “Starbucks Community”.

What I mean by this is that I love just sitting at their coffee houses.  If you ever spend any time at all at Starbucks ®, you will find that you see the same people around the same times day after day.  It’s a social community.  It’s somewhere I and these others have found to hang out and enjoy the company of others.  I have to say, that it is like an extended family.  So no.  I am not addicted to Starbucks ® coffee (see I believe that), but I am addicted to the community around their coffee shops.

One thing I am addicted too is iced coffee.  Thanks to my best friend Allen who started bringing them to me on Saturday nights before we would head out for drinks.   So when I discovered it bottled in the stores, you know I was now finding quite a few of their empty bottles in my recycle bin.  Then I realized that I was paying around $2.50 a bottle for something I could make at home for quite a bit less.  Actually I was able to make it for about 45¢.  That’s right.  I could save just  a bit over $2.00 per drink.  Guess who has a pitcher of this wonderful drink in his refrigerator now.  That’s right, this guy.  But you will still find me on a regular basis sitting outside a Starbucks ® talking with new friends.

So for those of you who love this drink, here is the recipe I use.  And if you like drinking it on the guy in a bottle.  Grab a pint sized canning jar.  I do this quite often.  Well, on a hot Saturday you may find me with a quart jar of this stuff when I am working around the yard.


  • 1 1/2 cups brewed coffee*
  • 6 cups milk (whole milk makes for a thicker drink)
  • 1/2 cup of sugar
  • 5 teaspoons of unsweetened cocoa 

(Substitute for the cocoa,  5 teaspoons vanilla flavoring for the vanilla version or  5 teaspoons caramel flavoring for the caramel version)

Brew your coffee (I like mine very strong) and then pour into a medium to large size pot. Add sugar and cocoa.  Stir until cocoa is dissolved or well blended. Add milk and stir until completely mixed.  Pour into your storage containers and refrigerate.



  1. For the caramel version, do you still use the same amount of sugar since the caramel is sweet already?

    • She was not rude, you did it to yourself by not thinking and posting a very stupid question. Don’t act stupid and you will not be called stupid. Read and think first before you post and then call someone out for what you did.

    • This was too much liquid for my blendtec and it spurted it out all over my counter… haha which is fine because I did need to clean it anyway. Other than that, I really like this recipe! I think I put in a bit too much of the cocoa powder bc it tasted more like chocolate milk, but I’ll definitely try again. Another recipe I’ve used suggested pectin to help it be a thicker texture, so I added that as well and it was delicious! Thank you!

    • Greg I hear you the addiction. I really like the jarred “coffee”. It tastes a little sweet but no vanilla or mocha flavor. How do you you recommend for recipe. Thank you.

  2. I love your recipe!
    Something i tried recently was added 1/2 cup flavored creamer, using 1/2 cup less milk, and used less then a cup of sugar (sweetened to taste).

  3. I love Starbucks! My son-in-law love the Frappuccinos. Making this as soon as I go buy whole milk since I drink skim and that’s not the same .

  4. Can you use mocha coffee with this recipe? Or do you think it will affect the taste? Sorry if stupid I’m just not a big coffee maker but I love these but I’m a single mom and the price is killing. Lol

  5. Could you iced coffee? I am not a coffee fan but love the Frappuccino drinks and looking for cheaper versions.

  6. This was actually a very good recipe.. was craving a frappe at like midnight and didn’t want to go out of the house. taste just like it. to make it taste every more I used my Starbucks cold brew coffee I bought for like 5 dollars!! Thank you!!

  7. So what this recipe is describing is basically chocolate milk with some coffee flavoring. If you want actual iced ‘coffee’ use this recipe with 6 cups of coffee to 6 cups of whole milk. It turned out delicious and tastes like more like the bottled frappuccino.

  8. I just made the vanilla version today. I followed the recipe exactly and it tasted JUST LIKE the bottled version. I used whole milk. My portion for ground coffee to water was 1:3 to brew the coffee. Thank you so much Greg for your recipe!!

  9. My husband loves this and I googled a recipe, came up with this. He does not support Starbucks!! I made the mocha yesterday. I only had unsweetened almond milk but I used that,I just increased the sugar a little. He loved it!!

  10. Bottled Starbucks has become impossible to find. Having it shipped is even more expensive. So thank you for this recipe, it sounds great. Trying it out this afternoon.

  11. Sounds good! I need to try this! I hate that some people just take the time to post an ugly comment. They could have just gone on with their day without purposely getting on here to comment to put someone down. Wish people would not bully. Keep on keepin’ on! Have fun and don’t mind the haters.

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  1. Starbucks Cold Frap Recipe! | modelcatt

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