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Hey everyone.  Check out the new website www.tasteimonials.com   .  You can post your own recipes and pictures.  And unlike tastespotting and foodgawker, they don’t critique your picture taking abilities.  I mean come on, its about […]



Garam masala

This easy-to-make spice blend is the heart of most Indian dishes. A combination of different spices, it probably has as many recipes as there are families in India! Here is a basic one. Once you […]


Gregs Blog

Thanks Paula

Hey everyone.  Well I got home today from work and flipped on the television and there was Paula Deen.  Of course I sat down and watched.  I think I have seen this episode many times, […]


Baked Goods

Grits Pie

Ingredients: 1 cup quick-cooking grits, cooked and cooled slightly 1 cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons flour 2 large eggs lightly beaten 4 tablespoons milk 2 tablespoons butter or margarine melted 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract […]
