Back To School Dinners

Lasagna Roll-Ups

  I started off this morning trying to figure out something different to make for dinner today.  So as I was stumbling through the grocery store, I heard a couple ladies talking about lasagna.  I […]



Collard Greens

Well today was a good day in my kitchen. It was a throw back to my Mamaw Bessie. I made a good ole southern Sunday dinner like she would do. Meatloaf, collard greens, mashed potato’s […]


Back To School Dinners

Moms Chicken Potpies

I remember growing up, we had chicken potpies sometimes once a week.  I think the main reason for this was that we had a garden as big as some peoples whole yards.  So we had […]



Honey Butter Sauce

This has got to be one of the easiest sauces I have ever found.  It is great to baste  chicken or even fish before broiling or sautéing.  It’s best to use a local honey.  Not […]



Buttermilk Fried Chicken

Bacon aside, there are few things I love more than fried chicken. What can possibly be more soul satisfying than a moist flavorful piece of chicken encased in a thick, crunchy crust? Not much, I […]
