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Smothered Pork Chops

Y’all, I love pork.  I loved it before it was the other white meat.  Growing up, we always had plenty of beef and pork in moms “deep freeze” out in the garage.  We had a […]



Broccoli Soufflé

  Y’all, today I decided to make a whole bunch of different things for Thanksgiving.  Had to test out recipes for my food blog.  I have never tried this before.  A friend shared it with […]



Zucchini Bread

So what do you do with left over zucchini?  Well, I bought way to many at the farmers market last weekend.  I have fried it, made a compote with peppers, sautéed it as a side […]



Apple Butter Cake

Growing up, I ate a lot of toast for breakfast, but I didn’t eat it like most with butter and jelly.  I ate mine with apple butter.  This apple butter was always home made by […]
