Hey everyone, well guess what I’ve gone and done.  I have come down with pneumonia.  Yupp, me, the respiratory therapist has found a way to get pneumonia.  I spent all last night till early this morning in the E.R.   I have left upper lobe pneumonia.  Which is one of the hardest to get rid of.  I feel like I have been hit by a bus.  I have no energy at all and can’t quit coughing.  Of course I am off work the rest of the week, but I hate being cooped up in the house unable to do anything.  The E.R. doctor gave me some strong antibiotics and cough suppressants, but I am not taking the cough pills.  I want to cough, I want to get this stuff out of my lungs.  Not sure what he was thinking.  So if I don’t die, I’ll update you through the week with my progress.



  1. i have the same sx, and the same dx. lul pneumonia. i was also prescribed a cough suppressant w/ codine. along with albuterol to open up my lungs. i asked why am i getting a suppressent, should i have to cough to get the bacteria out. she also gave me a strong anti biotic, azrythromycin, she told me that to keep that in so the medication can go to work.

    you say its the hardest to get rid of may ask why? and die was that a figure of speech, hope you were kidding thank you. hope your doing ok.

  2. Jeff, I am also a respiratory therapist, and yes you want to cough. Thats the only way your going to get the crap out of your lungs. If you do not get the infection under control, it can spread to other lobes of your lung and you could end up in the hospital due to your body not getting enough oxygen in your blood stream. The antibiotics only kill the bacteria, but all the mucus you have built up around the bacteria can plug up your bronchi and make things worse. Cough as much as you can, drink lots of fluids and don’t stop taking your antibiotics till they are all gone

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