Featured Favorite

Starting Early in the Kitchen

You all, I don’t know who these babies are.  A friend shared this with me and I couldn’t stop laughing.  I’m thinking its two future chefs arguing about ingredients.  None the less, it is priceless.  […]


Baked Goods

Sourdough Bread Starter

I’d like to introduce you all to Mable.  She is my sourdough bread starter that I have had growing since June 2009.  I can’t tell you how many loaves of bread, cinnamon rolls and English […]


Baked Goods

Banana Muffins

I have been cooped up for almost a week, after spending a night in the E.R. and finding out I have pneumonia.  Well, I have not felt like eating anything, but I have been eating […]


Featured Favorite

Dried Beans

Growing up, I ate a lot of corn bread and beans.  It became one of my favorite meals that my grandmothers on my mom’s side of the family made.  I just loved the taste of […]



Breakfast Pastry Pie’s

  I’ve found that some puff pastry laid into a 4” pie pan and filled with breakfast yummies, then baked, will make the best breakfast pie around.  You can fill it with whatever you like […]


Featured Favorite

Farmers Market

I just love March in Florida.  The farmers markets are again filling with fresh vegetables. And of course the Florida Strawberries are just wonderful. The tomatoes aren’t as big yet as I’d really like, but […]
